Treat Others As You Wish To Be Treated


Because I believe, we should  “treat others, how they wish to be treated” if you want to get the best from them, especially in the business world. 

If you are one of those seen as the driver, you’re direct, decisive, quick at decision making, demanding, of yourself as well as others, if you treat everyone else the same, you are likely to demotivate half the team and you may well alienate a quarter.

If you are someone who likes the stability and security of your surroundings, your team, and your workplace, you don’t relish sudden change, you are considerate of all the team before making a decision, then like the paragraph above, you may not be motivating half the team.

We all want to be treated how WE want to be treated, not how others THINK that we should be treated.  What motivates you, is it the results? The praise? The security? The systems and procedures?  It’s not just about getting results but getting the RIGHT results.

As this saying is found in most religions and cultures, I thought I would write the 10 commandments for the world of work today – as I see them – and rather than in the negative connotations of DO NOT – in the positive affirmations of DO

  • Do give others a choice.
  • Do follow the leader who makes an impact.
  • Do speak up for how and where you want to work.
  • Remember the boundaries and be respectful.
  • Honour your values and be true to them.
  • Do manage by results over visibility.
  • Do ask your teams what is working.
  • Do have flexibility 

Above all remember your people are one of your biggest assets, treat them how THEY want to be treated and be the organisation they don’t want to leave.

All too often we slip into auto-pilot, we are consumed with our own workload, focused on the task at hand, the ever-growing to-do list. This can mean we don’t think before we begin our communication with others, verbally or written, we just engage. We also just react depending on how someone has started the communication. Take a moment to stop, think and understand the other person.

Is the other person, someone who needs bullet points, quick decisions, and fast turnaround or are they someone who needs the bullet points BUT with the detail behind each one? Are they someone who needs to take their time to make a decision?  Are they someone that needs a bit of fun injected into the communication, I don’t mean a row of emojis or a stand-up comic, but to be more light-hearted.

All of this might sound exhausting, and you might be asking “why do I need to do this, surely others should be adapting their style for me.?” and yes, you’re right, but it isn’t about one person completely changing for another, it is about a journey of discovery as the best journey you can make is to meet other people halfway.

Recognising, understanding and respecting our differences will set a path for better communication.

Start by looking in the mirror at your own style and for an in-depth profile, do get in contact and let me show you how.

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